» Sue «
» Abnormity «
Strophe 1
I think, you can't tell - Why you feel like in hell
In your depression
Sadness in your eyes - Says 'I hate my life'
Why are you whining?
Now I feel your shame - But you're the one to blame
Keep your shit inside
Now you fake a smile - Keep it for a while
Your sorrow remains
Can you tell me, why you're crying?
Can you tell me, why you roam in pain?
Your mood feels like lying
One day you will go insane
Strophe 2
In your time of pain - Pity is your gain
But not much longer
Tremble in your voice - says 'I have no choice'
That's, what you're thinking
Sickness deep within - There's no sweeter sin
Nothing, you deserve
Rage runs through your veins - Fills your heart with pain
Coming out one day
Strophe 3
Take without regret - Everything, you get
But go your way alone!
Disgust in your face - Says 'I feel disgrace'
Keep your life in mind
Now you realize - You've just been victimized
In this world full of all those
Vultures surround you - You're their favorite food
Change your Attitude!
» Batida De Coco «
die liebe Birthe und ich beim Versuch,
Bilder für die kreativste Geburtstagskarte,
die wir in unserem Leben je gestalten werden,
zu machen ^^
(Satzbauprobleme sind am Abend zu ignorieren! )
hab dich lieb meine Kleine x)
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Saisissant, plonger 6 fois comme dans le livre du cinéaste,(je ne me souviens plus de son nom) et se relever le 7ème, ou un titre comme cela ! dépression, dur de se relever. Au bout du chemin il y a TOUJOURS une lueur, un espoir, une rencontre. C'est ce qui fait l'infini de la vie. Tu l'as écrit ton poême, rien qu'avec ces mots, dis toi, je suis guéri (e), c'est FINI.